A digital world powered by planet friendly software.

That's our mission.

Positive change that lasts

We are an independent, non profit organisation.

Our mission is to bring together people who care and are ready to take decisive and long term action. We believe that in a digital age, changing how we build and operate software can make our industry cleaner through a significant reduction in greenhouse gas related emissions.

Measure, Educate and Recognise

These are the foundations of our mission.

It is a truth. If you can measure it, you can change it. So part of what we do is partner with companies who are building the best diagnosis and carbon calculation methods for software development. We believe that working with those that understand how to measure the impact of green coding techniques means we are uniquely placed to help teach others how to create maximum impact.

Education of NextGen coders is our second purpose. Helping to create the green coders of the future will ensure that our mission is long lasting and sustained.

Recognition of progress, and awarding those that lead us on the journey toward planet friendly software will help us encourage the coders of today to make the shift toward green coding standards.

"The most important target date is 2030, by which time global emissions must be cut by 50%, and governments are nowhere near this. We estimate that with current actions global emissions will be at roughly today's level in 2030, we would be emitting twice as much as required for the 1.5c limit."

Global Update, Climate Action Tracker, September 2021

#1 Measure

You can change what you can measure

Our partner, GoCodeGreen, have built an industry first diagnosis and decisioning platform to help you start your journey toward building planet friendly software.

Through our partnership, GoCodeGreen provide access to their basic software carbon calculations for free. Like us, they believe that changing the mindset and culture behind software engineering starts from having a clear understanding of what you need to change.

#2 Educate

We believe that educating the software engineers of tomorrow will be the key to achieving long term change

Our learning is free.

We have developed a series of education programmes for 12-18 year old STEM students interested in coding. The Next Generation of green coders.

Training is all on-line. We also provide videos, an active learning blog to answer questions and drop in zoom sessions to reinforce learning topics. For those students wanting to progress to the final, advanced course - we will be offering the opportunity for practical coding sessions to bring the learning to life!

Register and we will send you a link to our library of courses and learning modules. You will receive a completion certificate at the end of each module.

Register your interest now to access our 5 module Learning Library!

01 | Foundation and Policy Learning

02 | Inspire to Code

03 | Green Coding Part 1 - Theory

04 | Green Coding Part 2 - Practical

05 | Advanced Sustainable Software Engineering

#3 Recognise

Recognising those who lead through action

Every quarter we recognise and award the companies who are leading the way in fighting the climate crisis. These are the companies building new, innovative solutions that help others on their journey to reduce the carbon footprint of their products.

'The Cleanest Software on the Planet' Award

There are 2 awards in this category for the cleanest software being Built and Run. The winners will be demonstrating their credentials through credible measurement of the carbon emissions generated by their software product.

Work with our mission partner to measure your software carbon emissions

'Software that Saves the Earth' Award

Each quarter the Board members of the Planet Friendly Software will vote for the product that demonstrates how innovatively designed software can help reduce the carbon emissions for its users.

One simple form to start your journey.

Help us!

The time is now. If you are interested in helping us produce more learning modules, or want to help deliver learning to students, then get in touch!
For companies wanting to partner with us to allocate some of their community hours and give us access to people in their organisation who want to support our mission, get in touch!

Join us! Or become a partner!

We have various board level and volunteer positions for companies and individuals wanting to get involved in changing our industry. Partners can also support our education and award programmes through sponsorship.

Get in touch!